"White Rage presents incredible skillfully what the bullying causes to the target's mind.
The viewing experience is stunning, as each of us interprets this film through our own experiences.
This is - especially from the humanity's point of view - the most significant film of the year.
White Rage is like a mirror in which every one of us should look into."
Jussi Virratvuori, Karjalainen
"White Rage is an important film that everyone should see."
Jukka L. Savolainen, SMACKtheJACK
"White Rage brings out new perspective in elegant and analytical way to threats
smoldering beneath the society's surface, which do not need to happen."
Maija Palojärvi, Karjalan Heili
"The dramatized scenes are tastefully estheticized.
The sound design and the music created by Kirka Sainio gives a powerful effect to the film.
White Rage is an important conversation starter, it's a peek into the mind of a bullied person,
which in this particular target's case turned into a resource."
Jussi U. Pellonpää, FilmiFin
"(Katri Merikallio's) article and Halonen's film form together a conversation,
which any educationist or authorities can't afford to ignore.”
Tarmo Poussu, Ilta-Sanomat
"White Rage tells everything there is to know about anger.
White Rage is done very skillfully. It takes a hold of you from the beginning to the end."
Juuso Määttänen, Iltalehti
"Arto Halonen's film is stylistically consistent and firm by its themes.
The viewer wonders whether there could be any more timing art piece than this.
Halonen shows how a film can be used as a suitable instrument for a deeper reflection on these issues.”
Jarmo Valkola, Keskisuomalainen, Helsingin Uutiset, Vantaan Sanomat, Länsiväylä
"In Arto Halonen’s humane documentary Kirka Sainio’s exquisite music carries the viewer through intense emotions."
Siru Valleala, Me Naiset
"White Rage is an impressive and intense film that raises questions about the bullying and the crucial aspects of the society.
Halonen proves to be one of the leading filmmakers in Finland."
Jussi Huhtala, Episodi
"Mixing archive materials and acted scenes with finesse creates diary feature to the film.
Pages of memories reveal welfare state, which is only waking up to the cancer crawling inside it."
Jouko Luhtala, Turun Ylioppilaslehti
“Halonen professionally carries the strictly defined main theme through in a dynamic and exciting way. “
Tuomas Rantanen, Voima
"Effective survival story which has demand on international scale."
Keimo Lehtiniemi, MTV
"Lauri's story describes the rage as well as the bullying in a moving way. The issue is topical."
Matias Helinko, Seinäjoen Sanomat
"White Rage is an important film in many ways."
Tero Hautamäki, Ilkka/Pohjalainen
"Halonen's documentary is unique as an opener of the darkest feelings."
Anne Välinoro, Aamulehti
"I was reporting on both Jokela's and Kauhajoki's school shootings. -- I believe I understand more about them now."
Jussi Lehmusvesi, Helsingin Sanomat
"Addressing the mass murders from the shooter's point of view is important and brave angle to have to the topic
that is sensitive and tough in Finland and elsewhere. -- Injustice and inequality create unfair deeds,
which should never be accepted, but the understanding of the factors behind them would contribute towards a better world.
With this point of view, White Rage has an important message."
Juha Rosenqvist,
The Finnish Psychological Association’s blog: “In my opinion, White Rage as a concept is well justified. - I think every psychologist and psychology students should see this film. This ambitious film project is carried out very professionally, it doesn’t search for culprits, it doesn’t seek for sensation nor does it try to moralize. Skillful editing, ranging camera-runs and unusual camera angels makes the film also dramatically fascinating."
The Finnish Psychological Association´s blog
""The unprocessed feelings will never die. They can be buried alive, but at some point they will come out - even uglier than before," says Sigmund Freud. Arto Halonen’s powerful film, White Rage, also deals with this kind of fundamental emotional dynamics. The story’s emotional scale is wide. The core of the problem and the thematics is above all shame, around which circle the feelings of jealousy and lack of energy."
Mikael Taylor, ethicist
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